San Diego County’s Board of Supervisors enacted Ordinance No. 10724 which went into effect on June 3, 2021. The ordinance applies to all residential properties in the County of San Diego (there are no exempted residential properties), and prevents landlords from serving any notices of termination of a lease or filing for eviction except in the case of imminent threat …
AB 3088: “COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020” and “COVID-19 Small Landlord and Homeowner Relief Act of 2020”
On August 31, 2020, Governor Newsom passed into law Assembly Bill 3088 which created the “COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020” and the “COVID-19 Small Landlord and Homeowner Relief Act of 2020.” COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 (Code of Civil Procedure 1179.01 et seq): Under the Tenant Relief Act, landlords are prohibited from evicting a residential tenant and mobilehome …
CA Judicial Council Votes to End Emergency Rule 1 & 2
On August 13, 2020, the Judicial Council of California voted 19-1 to end Emergency Rules 1 and 2. Emergency Rule 1 prohibited the courts from issuing a summons or entering a default in unlawful detainer eviction actions unless the case involved public health or safety issues. It also required that unlawful detainer trials be set 60 days after a request …
City and County of San Diego COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium
On March 16, 2020, California Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-28-20 as updated on March 27, 2020 Executive Order N-37-20. This Order suspended any provision of state law that would preempt or otherwise restrict a local government from imposing limitations on residential and commercial evictions on the basis of non-payment of rent due to financial hardship from a substantial decrease …